A box that doesn’t fit and a label too small to describe the item.
Remember going to school? Or… maybe you are still studying. I loved history until it hit the first and the Second World War, followed by...

Spiritual versus Occult
Sorting out the tons of files on my old PC, I came across an old Blog Post of mine. Dated the 10th of February 2009. I wrote these...

The Oath of the Tree…
I am the Tree, my roots planted firmly into the ground, My link with Mother, holding me up when Storms try beating me down I am the Tree,...

The 'Plus symbol' +, an universal symbol that connects us all
We see it often and many of us use it on a daily basis. Take out a calculator and there it is, often the largest button. The + symbol....

There is so much more to a photo
The choice of photo for my book cover didn't just happen, it was meant to be. Yup, I can hear you say... "What is all that about... what...